Monday, March 31, 2008

Dramatic change of mind

In a dramatic turnaround, newly-elected Buntong state assemblyperson A Sivasubramaniam has retracted his resignation from DAP hours after he made the announcement today.

His sudden resignation would have affected the tenuous grip on power by the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition, giving it only a one-seat majority over the Barisan Nasional.

Sivasubramaniam's about-turn was announced at a hastily-organised press conference at 6pm in Ipoh. The above news from Malaysiakini is still a source of anger for me, in that racial politics is still kicking in Malaysia. We still fail to see ourselves as Malaysians first and foremost, and race second.

I still stand by my earlier statement and add that these are opportunists with a selfish political motive with no interest for the party's aspiration of a Malaysian Malaysia. He is simply a threat to the party with his statement that he has "no regrets" and jumping to wrong conclusions and assumptions about Ngeh's general statement that an "announcement will be made soon" that caused him to be insecure about the role of Indians in the new State Govt.

What nonsense is he talking about!! Mind you, it's not about getting posts, it's about serving the people, irrespective of race!!

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