Monday, March 31, 2008

Dramatic change of mind

In a dramatic turnaround, newly-elected Buntong state assemblyperson A Sivasubramaniam has retracted his resignation from DAP hours after he made the announcement today.

His sudden resignation would have affected the tenuous grip on power by the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition, giving it only a one-seat majority over the Barisan Nasional.

Sivasubramaniam's about-turn was announced at a hastily-organised press conference at 6pm in Ipoh. The above news from Malaysiakini is still a source of anger for me, in that racial politics is still kicking in Malaysia. We still fail to see ourselves as Malaysians first and foremost, and race second.

I still stand by my earlier statement and add that these are opportunists with a selfish political motive with no interest for the party's aspiration of a Malaysian Malaysia. He is simply a threat to the party with his statement that he has "no regrets" and jumping to wrong conclusions and assumptions about Ngeh's general statement that an "announcement will be made soon" that caused him to be insecure about the role of Indians in the new State Govt.

What nonsense is he talking about!! Mind you, it's not about getting posts, it's about serving the people, irrespective of race!!

Buntong Assemblyman Quits! Here we go again

It is most disappointing that the DAP assemblyman for Buntong quit the party, just because there is only one Indian in the State Exco. Goodness me, why does he give up so easily after just being newly elected recently under the DAP banner. He might as well give up his seat and have a by-election, now that he is an independent, as the voters didn't vote for him as an Independent.

This is political immaturity to say the least, to just resign from the party, when things don't go your way. He might as well ask all Indians nationwide in the party to join him and resign as well, just because there is only one Indian in the Perak State Exco. This is not the way to go, if we want to see politics transcend beyond race in Malaysia.

The issue here is not about whether the DAP Perak State Chief, Ngeh Koo Ham has broken his promises. The issue here is why go to the press, when he is dissatisfied with the composition of the State EXCO. Does it mean that it's the end of the world for Indians in Perak ?? C'mon man, it's only the beginning of a new era of DAP-PKR-PAS relationship in the State Govt and there are already cracks.

They should get on with the job of serving the people and behave like they are the State Government and not be quitters just because they are being deprived of a certain quota in meeting the race requirement. There should be no place for racial politics, if we want to forge ahead in nation building and in the principles of justice for all Malaysians, irrespective of skin colour and creed.

If this goes on, we might as well forget about calling ourselves Malaysians. The PAS Perak Menteri Besar has already pledged to serve ALL and that includes Indians. Let's give them a chance to prove themselves for the next 5 years. If not, vote them out...

There is no prophetic guarantee that a certain number of Indians in the EXCO will improve the status of Indians, if there is no spirit of co-operation among all Malaysians, irrespective of race.
Even a single person from a certain race can make a difference in society (look at Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King), and for goodness sake, we should stop believing that there is strength in numbers of a particular race. Because if we do, then I am certainly ashamed to call myself a Malaysian and a human being.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's too late to apologise?

Karpal Singh said that Dr M should apologise to the judges that were dismissed in 1988. Not only that, pay them compensation from the day they were dismissed until now.

Dr. M's reply is that the tribunal should apologise. We now have the latest news that Samy Vellu has called for the Hindraf's 5 release. Now where's the apology from him? It makes me wonder. If he had won his parliamentary seat, would he have called for the release of the Hindraf ISA detainees?

Something to ponder, but it's about time, he makes an appeal to the PM, and let's hope that justice is served and common sense prevails. It's only fair, especially when the people have spoken through the ballot box by electing a jailed politician to be the new State Assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah. This only proves that the voters perceive the ISA detention to be politically motivated.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Release the ISA detainees!

Release the Hindraf ISA detainees immediately!

The refusal of the Home Minister, Datuk Syed Hamid Albar to release newly-elected Selangor DAP State Assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah and four other Hindraf leaders, P. Uthayakumar, V. Ganabatirau, R. Kenghadharan and T. Vasantha Kumar from Internal Security Act (ISA) smacks of arrogance.

The detention should bring Malaysians back to reality that the second Abdullah administration are deaf to the voice of the people clamouring for change in the recent March 8 General Election results which was a disaster for the ruling coalition in terms of losing their 2/3 majority.

Instead, we have the same corrupted status quo, who are taking their political chances for survival by not releasing them from this inhumane and unjust law of detention without trial.

Indeed, BN is living in desperate times, whilst the opposition in exciting times.