I've seen judges and lawyers wear black to Court. Does that mean others who wear black are law breakers? The police paranoid fear of black shirt protesters mourning the death of democracy in Malaysia near YB Teresa Kok's office yesterday seems to indicate that they are more fearful of black shirted protesters than criminals who continue to roam the streets threatening the lives of ordinary people.
It also shows that the police are incompetent and answerable only to their BN masters and not the people nor do they respect the sanctity of the Federal Consitution which provides the right to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.
They are swift in punishing Pakatan leaders but painfully slow when it comes to other ordinary citizens. Take for example the following crimes which has been dreadfully slow in their investigations: Kugan, Altantuya, cases of missing kids, snatch thefts, robberies, rapes, etc.
So what is going on??? Why the senseless and needless arrests over elected reps and others who don't even pose a threat to national security but only because they were wearing black to get their messages across. I thought mourners wear black in funerals. Are the police prepared to arrest them too???
I wear black too and black is the colour of justice. That's why lawyers wear them. Come arrest me too and make my day!!!
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