We have a bunch of thugs ruling the country and using the ISA for their selfish ends to stay in power. Only cowards like them will use the ISA to silence rational dissent. Even Malaysiakini has reported that the United States has summoned the Malaysian ambassador to record its concern for the crackdown, which is an affront to human rights and democratic freedoms.
They are no different from other dictators like Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, who manipulate racial issues to work up sentiments, just like in the Ahmad Ismail saga.
We the rakyat are fed up with UMNO's racial politics. This nonsence of racial and religious politics must stop at once!!!! Hidup Reformasi !!!! Hidup Rakyat!!!!!
It's time Pakatan Rakyat do something about this nonsense once and for all and take over the Federal Govt. The BN govt is unfit to lead the country to greater heights, as all they care about is Hidup Melayu, instead of Hidup Rakyat!
Pak Lah should step down immediately, as there are even rumblings within his own cabinet, about his planned transition which is too long in 2010. He is taking the country further into the abyss of self destruction through racial and religious politics. Is Ahmad Ismail running the country, or is Pak Lah running the country? Why do we allow a thug like Ahmad Ismail get away with a three year suspension, while the rest get crucified for his sins, by being detained under the ISA.
Why is Teresa Kok, a wakil rakyat for thousands of constituents be made a threat to national security, when a thug like Ahmad Ismail who opened his mouth about the Chinese being squatters can get away with it? This is disgraceful and shows the double standards of UMNO and its ilk of arrogant racists politicians.
It all bears resemblance to Operasi Lallang in 1987, when even the innocent were made scapegoats and detained under the draconian law. This is the most shameful and disgusting episode of UMNO's racial politics and their strategy to pit the races against each other to safeguard their stupid interest for the sake of Malay unity, rather than Malaysian unity. Racism and religious extremism have reared its ugly head through UMNO, a failed racist party, desperate for survival in the fast paced globalized world.
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